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Legacy Fundraising with Kwil

Kwil -The simplest way to write your will

We all know the importance of writing a will, which is why Kwil has partnered up with Disability Action Yorkshire to give you the opportunity to write your will online for free in as little as 30 minutes. Once your will is complete use the code DAYFREE and there will be nothing to pay.

Over one in five people in the UK are disabled, yet in everyday life disabled people are still facing barriers in the areas we all take for granted, such as employment, housing, transport and access to facilities. With your help Disability Action Yorkshire want to remove those barriers making the world a more inclusive and accessible place.

If you are able to, please consider leaving a gift in your will to Disability Action Yorkshire. Any gift of any size is greatly appreciated and will assist the charity to continue their services for disabled people.

If you’d prefer to speak to someone then you also have the option to call one of our will writing experts on 0800 061 4934, they will be able to take you through the process over the phone.

Start writing your will with Kwil today and know you’ll have helped Disability Action Yorkshire.

Kwil – The simplest way to write your will.
Proud supporters of Disability Action Yorkshire
Charity number – 1044373


Create your will